income officers – (Travel)

Pengertian income officers adalah: Subjek Definisi Perhotelan. ? income officers (pendapatan) : Bertugas untuk mencatat pendapatan yang di peroleh dari penjualan kamar dan restoran, biasanya petugas di bagian ini mendapat laporan dari cashier front office, dimana petugas ini akan merekap semua pendapatan dari tiga shift kasir Front office dan membukukannya dalam sebuah jurnal pendapatan Definisi … Baca Selengkapnya

gross national income

Pengertian gross national income adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? gross national income (GNI) : One of the ways, along with Gross Domestic Product (GDP), used by economists to measure the total wealth (value of goods and services) produced by a country in a particular year. It differs from GDP in that it also includes income … Baca Selengkapnya


Pengertian income adalah: Subjek Definisi Kata Tidak Baku ( ? income : pendapatan; penghasilan Sociology ? income : A flow of money which people obtain from work, from their investments, or from the state. See also earned income, unearned income, wealth. (Sumber: income : occupational wages or salaries and earnings from investments (Sumber: … Baca Selengkapnya