Tag: F . U


Pengertian fundamentalism adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? fundamentalism : A commitment to, and a belief in, the literal meanings of scriptural texts. (Sumber: cuny.edu) fundamentalism : a conservative religious doctrine that opposes intellectualism and worldly accommodation in favour of restoring a traditional, otherworldly and absolutist spirituality (Sumber: pearsoned.co.uk) fundamentalism : A form of religious traditionalism […]

future generations

Pengertian future generations adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? future generations : The concept of sustainable development requires consideration of the future of today's children, and also of people not yet born, even though there is no established way of representing their interests. (Sumber: politybooks.com) Definisi ?

functional approach

Pengertian functional approach adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? functional approach : A theoretical approach that analyzes social phenomena in terms of their functions in a social system. (Sumber: asanet.org) Definisi ?

functional equivalent

Pengertian functional equivalent adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? functional equivalent : A feature or process in society that has the same function (consequence) as some other feature or process (Sumber: asanet.org) Definisi ?

functional illiteracy

Pengertian functional illiteracy adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? functional illiteracy : reading and writing skills insufficient for everyday living (Sumber: pearsoned.co.uk) Definisi ?

functional paradigm

Pengertian functional paradigm adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? functional paradigm : a framework for building theory that envisages society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability (Sumber: pearsoned.co.uk) Definisi ?

functional prerequisites

Pengertian functional prerequisites adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? functional prerequisites : The basic needs that must be met if society is to survive. (Sumber: politybooks.com) Definisi ?


Pengertian functionalism adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? functionalism : A sociological perspective and structural theory which sees society as made up of parts which work together to maintain society as an integrated whole. Society is seen as fundamentally harmonious and stable, because of the agreement on basic values (value consensus) established through socialization. See also […]


Pengertian functions adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? functions : The consequences of social phenomena for other parts of society or for society as a whole. (Sumber: asanet.org) functions : The ways in which a sociocultural trait contributes toward the maintenance or adaptation of the entire sociocultural system. (Sumber: cuny.edu) Definisi ?

fuel nuclear

Pengertian fuel nuclear adalah: Subjek Definisi Nuklir Batan ? fuel, nuclear : bahan bakar nuklir : Bahan fisil dan fertil yang digunakan di reaktor untuk pembangkitan daya. (Sumber : batan.go.id – jika ada rumus, kunjungi website sumber.) Definisi ?

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