
Pengertian functionalism adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? functionalism : A sociological perspective and structural theory which sees society as made up of parts which work together to maintain society as an integrated whole. Society is seen as fundamentally harmonious and stable, because of the agreement on basic values (value consensus) established through socialization. See also … Baca Selengkapnya


Pengertian functions adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? functions : The consequences of social phenomena for other parts of society or for society as a whole. (Sumber: functions : The ways in which a sociocultural trait contributes toward the maintenance or adaptation of the entire sociocultural system. (Sumber: Definisi ?


Pengertian fundamentalism adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? fundamentalism : A commitment to, and a belief in, the literal meanings of scriptural texts. (Sumber: fundamentalism : a conservative religious doctrine that opposes intellectualism and worldly accommodation in favour of restoring a traditional, otherworldly and absolutist spirituality (Sumber: fundamentalism : A form of religious traditionalism … Baca Selengkapnya


Pengertian function adalah: Subjek Definisi Grammatical ? function : The particular use of a word or words within a sentence. (Sumber: Sociology ? function : the part a recurrent activity plays in the social life as a whole and the contribution it makes to structural continuity (Sumber: Definisi ?


Pengertian fund adalah: Subjek Definisi BPK (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan) ? fund : dana atau sejumlah surat-surat berharga dan harta kekayaan lainnya yang disediakan untuk maksud tertentu sesuai dengan keinginan yang telah direncanakan. ( Definisi ?


Pengertian funding adalah: Subjek Definisi BPK (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan) ? funding : suatu proses mengkonversikan utang jangka pendek dengan bunga tetap ke utang jangka panjang bagi pendanaan oleh otoritas keuangan untuk menurunkan likuiditas dari sistem perbankan, dan bagi perusahaan alat untuk meningkatkan likuiditas jangka pendek. ( Definisi ?