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Tag: E . V

evaporator – (Kuliner)

Pengertian evaporator adalah: Subjek Definisi Boga ? evaporator : tempat perubahan cairan Freon menjadi gas/ uap Freon yang membutuhkan energy pada kulkas Definisi ?

EV – (Multimedia)

Pengertian EV adalah: Subjek Definisi fotografi ? EV : Exposure Value; kekuatan cahaya. Contoh, EV=0 kekuatan pada diagframa f/1,0 kecepatan 1 detik. Lighting ? EV, Exposure Value : A system of light measurement in which each whole number is 1 Stop more or less than its neighbors; used by many meter makers. (Sumber: Definisi […]

evaluative – (Multimedia)

Pengertian evaluative adalah: Subjek Definisi fotografi ? evaluative : Evaluative adalah istilah untuk pengukuran cahaya pada seluruh area gambar. evaluative/matrix : Pengukuran pencahayaan berdasarkan segmen-segmen dan presentase tertentu. Definisi ?


Pengertian evangelicalism adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? evangelicalism : A form of Protestantism that stresses the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the validity of personal conversion, the Bible as the basis for belief, and active preaching of the faith. (Sumber: Definisi ?

evolutionary model of technological change

Pengertian evolutionary model of technological change adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? evolutionary model of technological change : a breakthrough in one form of technology that leads to a number of variations, from which a prototype emerges, followed by a period of slight adjustments to the technology, interrupted by a breakthrough (Sumber: Definisi ?

evolutionary theories

Pengertian evolutionary theories adalah: Subjek Definisi Sociology ? evolutionary theories : Theories of social change that see societies as evolving from simpler forms to more complex ones. In biology, the theory that living organisms develop new traits that may aid their adaptation or survival. (Sumber: Definisi ?


Pengertian event adalah: Subjek Definisi Sistem Peringatan Dini Tsunami Indonesia ? event : Peristiwa atau kejadian gempa. Definisi ?

evaporation line stable isotopes

Pengertian evaporation line stable isotopes adalah: Subjek Definisi Nuklir Batan ? evaporation line, stable isotopes : garis penguapan isotop stabil : Kurva garis lurus yang menyatakan hubungan komposisi deuterium dan oksigen-18 dalam air (air tanah, air permukaan) yang telah mengalami proses penguapan. (Sumber : – jika ada rumus, kunjungi website sumber.) Definisi ?

evaporative centrifuge

Pengertian evaporative centrifuge adalah: Subjek Definisi Nuklir Batan ? evaporative centrifuge (isotope separation) : sentrifus evaporatif (pemisahan isotop) : Sentrifus pemisah campuran cairan dengan penguapan yang dibuang dekat sumbu sentrifus akibat medan sentrifugal. (Sumber : – jika ada rumus, kunjungi website sumber.) Definisi ?

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