Kategori: Istilah Geologi EN

yazoo-type river

Pengertian yazoo-type river adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? yazoo-type river : Tributary unable to enter main stream because of natural levees along main stream. Flows along backswamp zone parallel to main stream. Definisi ?

yield point

Pengertian yield point adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? yield point : Maximum stress that solid can withstand without undergoing permanent deformation, either by plastic flow or by rupture. Pertambangan (Tambang) ? yield point (Titik Alir) : Tekanan yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi tahan fluida yang statis untuk dapat mulai mengalir. Migas (Lemigas) (Minyak dan Gas) […]


Pengertian zircon adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? zircon : Mineral of zirconium, silicon, and oxygen (zirconium silicate). Generally glassy-looking, microscopic, four-sided prisms. Most commonly formed in igneous rocks. Pertambangan (Tambang) ? zircon (zircon) : Mineral silikat dengan rumus kimia Zr Si04 yang merupakan sumber utama logam jarang zirconium, terakumulasi sebagai endapan pasir pantai, digunakan […]

zone of aeration

Pengertian zone of aeration adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? zone of aeration : Zone immediately below ground surface, in which openings partially filled with air and partially with water trapped by molecular attraction. Subdivided into (1) belt of soil moisture. (2) intermediate belt, and (3) capillary fringe. Definisi ?

zone of saturation

Pengertian zone of saturation adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? zone of saturation : Underground region within which all openings filled with water. Top of zone of saturation is called water table. Water contained within zone of saturation is called groundwater. Definisi ?

zones of regional metamorphism

Pengertian zones of regional metamorphism adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? zones of regional metamorphism – High-grade, above 700º C; middle-grade, 400 to 700º C; low-grade, 150 to 400º C. Definisi ?


Pengertian wave adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? wave : Configuration of matter that transmits energy from one point to another. Definisi ?


Pengertian well-sorted adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? well-sorted : Refers to a sedimentary deposit or rock with grains of the same approximate size. Definisi ?

wrinkle ridges

Pengertian wrinkle ridges adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? wrinkle ridges : Ridges found on surfaces of lunar maria and flooded craters. May be caused by uplift due to volcanism or to compression. Definisi ?


Pengertian xenolith adalah: Subjek Definisi Geologi EN ? xenolith : A piece of foriegn rock enclosed within an igneous rock. The foriegn rock is usually picked up from the walls surrounding the igneous rock and is frozen in place before it has a chance to melt. (=inclusion) xenolith : Rock fragment foreign to igneous rock […]

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